Wednesday, 22 April 2015

10 positive vibes

I'm very bunged up today. To the point where there a pack of tissues stuffed up the sleeve of my cardy and I sound like Monica from that Friends episode where she puts 'd's at the end of her words... "Honey, when you put a 'd' at the end of 'fine', you're not 'fine'!". But i'm going to focus on what is going to make me happy instead of letting the mucus bung down my positivity too!

1. Bella
     My lovely doggy. Playing with her, talking to her and taking her out for a walk later!

2. Sewing
     Today I plan on cutting out and make the most gorgeous dress from a stunning duck egg blue fabric I bought that has William Morris style flower growing across it.

3. Tea
     Tea always understand you when you're ill. It just knows, you know?

4. Restorative yoga
     With a few floor cushions stacked on top of each other I can rest my achey body on the floor and allow it to gently open as the cushion take the weight. Such a gorgeous practice when you don't feel 100%.

5. My Mum and my Damien
Always know when to bring me tea and lovely food and, the most appriceated, to make me laugh. A good giggle always boosts your mood when you feel a little grey.

6. My garden
Recently Damien and I layed a lawn. A whole lawn!! It grew from seeds and everything!! It has the most brilliant green colour and gently sways in the wind as its getting pretty long now :P Safe to say I'm very proud and excited about it and it's wonderful to feel the earth under your feet. A little grounding back down the the earth is always good for the soul.

7. Warm winter clothes
Ski socks + granny jumpers + wooly tracky bottoms + long sleeve tshirts = Toasty Freya!

8. Netflix
The immense library of Netflix never leaves you bored! Especially on days when you stay in bed far longer than acceptable :P

9. Crochet
Crochet is one of my favourite crafts. It grows quickly, the techniques are simple and you can create the most stunning makes in a few hours. I'm hoping to give a little Tunisian crochet a go today!

10. Tomorrow
Tomorrow is another day adnd I hope I will be a little better :)