Sunday, 7 September 2014

Finding your inner warrior with Warrior II

Sanskrit name

  • Virabhadrasana II

  • Virabhadra = the name of a fierce warrior, an incarnation of Shiva, described as having a thousand heads, a thousand flaming eyes, and a thousand feet; embodying the power of the warrior.
  • Strengthens ankles, knees, thighs, hips, shoulders and spine.  
  • Stretches inner thighs, hamstrings, chest and shoulders. 
  • Wakes up internal organs. 
  • Alleviates backache and leg ache. 
  • Good for flat footedness, osteoporosis, sciatica and upper back issues. 
  • Increases stamina. 
  • Ankle, knee, hip, shoulder or neck injury. 
  • High blood pressure. 
  • Diarrhoea   
Anatomy focus
  • Front leg- Ankle is in Dorsiflexion; Knee is flexing at 90*; Hip is laterally rotated, abducted and flexing at 90*.
  • Back leg- Ankle is in Dorsiflexion; Foot is supinating; Knee is in neutral extension; Hip is abducting and extending.
  • Spine- Neutral with slight rotation of the chest. 
  • Shoulders- Abduction of the shoulder blades and arms; External rotation of the shoulder joint; pronation of the forearms. 

Step by Step

  • Standing lengthways on your mat in a natural standing posture, take a wide stride either side so there's about 3-4 foot in between your feet. 
  • Next turn your right foot out at 90* and keep the back left foot parallel to the short end of your mat. 
  • Now you can bring your heels into the "imaginary" central line down your mat so they are in-line with each other. If your balance isn't on form today, no worries, take your heels either side of the "imaginary" central line.
  • Next focus on the torso and making the spine tall and stable while gently tucking and firming the abdominals towards the lower back. Have the chest gently lifting up and away from the upper back so you have plenty of room to breath! 
  • Now INHALE and bring the arms up to shoulder height. Imagine someone is standing either side of you and pulling your hands away from you so the top of your shoulders and upper back are broadening. Keep the hands active too, don't let the fingers go floppy.
  • Then EXHALE and bend the right knee. Here's where we have to be careful! Make sure your knee is either directly above or behind your ankle and doesn't reach forward towards the toes. If it's reaching over the ankle, widen your stride but heel-toeing your left foot out until the knee is where it should be. If your knee sways out the the side when bent, slightly straighten the knee to reduce the pressure on the thigh. 
  • Make sure the left foot is comfortable and hasn't begun lift on the outer edge. Press firmly down on the outside of your foot and think about the inner arch lifting and supporting the whole foot. Also make sure none of your ten toeies are gripping to the floor! 
  • The finally look over to the right and keep the chin parallel to the floor. 

Heels in-line; knee over ankle; abdominals tucked; chest lifted; shoulders broad; hands out stretched; chin parallel to the floor. 
Knee in perfect alignment over ankle and not swaying outwards. Shoulder and knee in "imaginary" central line of mat.
  • Breath steadily here with 6 breaths to start with and repeat on the opposite side when ready.  

Easier Variations

  • If the shoulders and upper back are quiet strong enough to keep the arms out stretched, take the hands to the hips. Remember to keep the chest gently lifting though and make sure the shoulder don't round forward.
  • If the right thigh is a little weak, take a smaller stride and don't bend the right knee as much. Breath for as many breaths as comfortable. 
  • If the neck is strained, look forward and keep the back of the neck long by lengthening from the crown of the head. 

 Difficult Variations

  • Only to be done if there are no issues with the hips, thighs on knees and plenty of flexibilty! Focusing on the pelvis and the hips. Gently open the front of the pelvis by allowing the right hip to abduct out to the side a little more. This happens by gently squeezing in the right gluteal muscles and letting the left hip softly rotate laterally so the pelvis is being tilted into the "imaginary" central line of the mat. 
  • Be very gently here and make sure you are warmed up sufficiently to not pull or strain on muscles or joints. 
  • Hold for 6 breaths or as long as comfortable and repeat on the opposite side. 

Things to think about

  • This is a strong, fire-y pose and you should feel strength radiating through the entire body. Feel the strength start at the soles of the feet and move up through the legs and body to the head. 
  • Breath steadily and let the breath control any thoughts of struggle or difficulty. You can do it and concentrating on the breath will definitely help. 

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