Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Firm foundation with Mountain

Sanskrit name

  • Tadasana 


  • Mountain
  • Grounding
  • Improved posture 
  • Alleviates flat footedness and sciatica 
  • Strengthens ankles, knees, thighs, gluteals and abdominals 
  • Headache 
  • Low blood pressure 
Anatomy focus
  • Lower body- Ankle dorsiflexion; Knee in neutral extension; Hip adduction and neutral extension
  • Upper body- Neutral extension of spine; Forearm pronation 
Step by Step
  • Come to standing
  • Take the feet hip width apart
  • Lift all the toes up and then spread them as far out as you can before putting them back down
  • Keep the knee soft and make sure they're not hyperextending or locking
  • Feel the guteals and abdominals start to engage as you lengthen the spine upwards. 
  • Make sure to not stick the bum out like a duck. Lengthen the lower back by imagining the spine also lengthening downwards
  • Gently lift the chest as the shoulder blades sink down the back and open the ribs to breath effortlessly 
  • Keep the back of the neck long and the crown of the head continuing to the lengthen the spine by drawing the crown towards the sky
  • Chin parallel to the floor
  • Arms are down by the sides but hands are active. You can either have the hands facing the body or turned out to the front.
  • Breath using the diaphragm by filling the lungs from the bottom to the top in the chest naturally, don't force the breath or cause light headedness    
  • Stand as long as comfortable using a natural deep breath

Easier Variations 
  • Stand with your back against a wall if your balance is a bit wobbly

Difficult Variations 
  • Close your eyes to try and balance without the aid of sight and depending on the outside environment 

What to think about 

Diagram- Representing the arches of the feet and how the weight
should be evenly distributed. Leslie Kaminoff's 'Yoga Anatomy'.
  • Feel the steady, evenness of the body centred through the feet. Feel the three arches of the foot in harmony and the toes evenly spread 
  • Feel the weight of the body moving centrally through the bones of the legs and creating the firm foundation of Mountain 
  • Now continue the evenness to move up the spine and to the crown of the head. Allowing the crown of the head to rise until it touches the sky like the mighty Mount Everest 
  • Having the hands active and open means you can be mindful to any emotions that may arise and accept them as they are 
  • Breath to fill the whole body and nourish the bones and muscles with each inhale

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