Friday, 6 November 2015

Supremely awesome chair yoga

Seated yoga is brilliant if you don't have time to get your mat our or if you're tight while travelling or at work. Take a few minutes to work through these basic seated yoga postures to feel refreshed and ready to kick some ass! Always be careful, especially if you have an injury or any medical condition, be patient with your body and let your breath flow deeply and effortlessly to ease the mind along with the body. Have fun! 

Sanskrit names
  • Surya Namaskar (Sun Salute) 
  • Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (Pigeon pose)
  • Increased body flow around the body
  • Better lymph drainage, especially in the legs
  • More efficient synovial fluid in joints  
  • Decreases chance of headaches 
  • Reduces upper back, chest, neck, shoulder and hip tightness
  • Make sure you use a full, deep belly breath as you move through these postures, but don't hyperventilate
  • Don't move into pain, always make sure you are comfortable but are challenging yourself 

Surya Namaskar

INHALE to lift up. Brilliant first thing in the morning.  
EXHALE and fold forwards 

  • Sit on a chair, legs at 90* and feet planted hip width. 
  • INHALE lift the arms over head, lift the chest and look up, stretch up as tall as you can.
  • EXHALE bring the hands down to the thighs and trace the hands down the legs until they touch your shins, toes or the floor. 
  • Let the belly tuck in deeply and drop the chin to the chest. 
  • INAHLE and reach the arms all the way back up, repeating the sequence.
  • Move with the breath and repeat anywhere from 3-10 times.

Eka Pada Rajakaptoasana

Seated Eka Pada Rajakaptoasana
Deepening the stretch.
A must when travelling on a plane. 

Knee hugs are always good after a big stretch!

  • Sit on a chair, legs at 90* and feet planted hip width. 
  • Take your right ankle on top of you leg knee. 
  • EXHALE and lift the chest as you start to gently fold forward over you legs. Only go as far as comfortable. 
  • Keep the spine as tall as you can as you breathe. 
  • Hold for as many breaths as comfortably, allowing yourself to sink deeper with each EXHALE
  • INAHLE and gently rise back up.
  • Hug the right knee into the chest to release the ankle and the knee, hold for a breath. 
  • Feel the release and openness of the hips and your lower spine.
  • Repeat on the left leg when ready.

Seated Twist
Seated twist.
Great for long hours at a computer or during a long journey. 

  • Sit on a chair, legs at 90* and feet planted hip width.
  • Belly tucked in gently to help lift the spine tall.
  • EXHALE twist to the left taking your right hand to the outside of your left knee and the left hand to a chair leg.
  • Breathe here.
  • Keep lifting the chest and pulling the shoulders back. 
  • Feel tall and majestic.
  • Hold for 3- 5 breaths.
  • INHALE and gently come back to your centre, repeating on the opposite side when you are ready. 
Neck stretches

Neck stretches. Perfect for tight shoulders and tension headaches.

  • Sit on a chair, legs at 90* and feet planted hip width.
  • Belly tucked in gently to help lift the spine tall.
  • INHALE take your right arm down by your side and reach your fingers towards the floor away from your hip. EXHALE and take your left ear to your left shoulder. Only go as far as comfortable.
  • Gently move the head to gaze down at your legs to stretch down the upper back/ shoulder and gaze up to the ceiling to release the front of the neck and upper chest. 
  • Hold for 3-5 breaths.
  • INHALE to bring the head back up and rest the right arm on your thigh. Repeat with the left arm. 
  • ALWAYS be gentle with your neck. Allow yourself to be at ease as you stretch, don’t move into pain. 

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